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This offer ends on 6 October 2024 and can be combined with other promotions or reserved discounts up to a maximum of 50% of the list price excluding VAT.
Bancomail supports non-profit: there are hundreds of Organizations carrying out important tasks that are waiting to be known! We've created a program that allows you to donate 10% of your purchases to accredited non-profit organizations. You won't have any additional costs: just choose your preferred organization and we'll take care of the donation.
You can support an organization by clicking SUPPORT on its profile or, if you are logged in, directly from your order confirmation.
Bancomail delivers the donation to the chosen non-profit organization as soon as the order payment is registered.
Sector: International Cooperation
Address: via Timparosa 9 - Acicastello (CT) - Italy
La Onlus Associazione Balouo Salo, opera in modo volontario per risolvere le emergenze umanitarie che colpiscono le popolazioni di ...
Sector: Welfare
Address: via alcide de gasperi n 24 - Gravina in puglia - Italy
Assistiamo Te Soc. Coop. Soc. costituita nel 2014 cambia il concetto di assistenza sul territorio proponendo un modello globale di ...
Sector: Art, Culture and Information
Address: Località Tre Pietre n 45 - Guardia Sanframondi - Italy
Sector: Art, Culture and Information
Address: Via Assisana, 23 - Gubbio - Italy
Associazione Culturale Umbri-A Concerto è stata costituita con atto notarile il 10 dicembre 2007. L'Associazione dal f ...
Sector: Animals and Environment
Address: Via Michelangelo 49 - Cadorago (co) - Italy
Ci occupiamo di salvare animali da canili lager in Spagna. Abbandonati nelle perreras, i cani hanno davanti a se pochi giorni di v ...
Sector: International Cooperation
Address: Via Rodella, 68 - Rimini - Italy
Da oltre 10 anni Una goccia per il mondo onlus ha attivato e sostiene un progetto di solidarietà internazionale in Cambogia ...
Sector: Art, Culture and Information
Address: via del Tritone n. 169 - Roma - Italy
L'Albero Verde della Vita si prefigge di sviluppare, promuovere e coordinare iniziative per rispondere ai bisogni e per forni ...
Sector: Health-care and Prevention
Address: via Marchese della Rocca, 30 - Lanzo Toirinese - Italy
La Associazione Italiana Niemann Pick Onlus nasce nel 2005 dallidea di alcune famiglie di pazienti affetti da questa patologia. La ...
Sector: Health-care and Prevention
Address: Via Vanvitelli - Siracusa - Italy
A.S.D. Associazione Siracusa Diabetici nasce a Siracusa il 06/12/2013 dalla volontà di alcuni genitori di bambini affetti d ...
106 results; Page: 5/12
All the Non-profit organizations listed in this page are regularly registered in accordance with the provisions set forth by the competent authority. Bancomail delivers the donation to the chosen non-profit organization as soon as the payment of the order is registered.
Are you a Non-Profit organization or do you know one? Read all the benefits of the program.
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