Bancomail - Non-profit program
Preamble:: Bancomail S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as Bancomail), incorporated under the laws of Italy, with legal head office in Genoa, Piazza della Vittoria 15/23, registered with the Company Register of Genoa under no. 506965, Tax code and VAT ID no. 02727350999
Bancomail Non-profit program is dedicated to organizations operating in the social and civil sectors, from support to education, from health-care to scientific research, from culture to economic development. These organizations have to be the characterized by what is known as distribution constraint, meaning that they cannot distribute profit to their members. They also have to be registered as such with the competent governmental body of the country in which they operate.
The organization is accredited and included in the program by the Bancomail Management, after an evaluation of the application request and the documentation submitted by the organization.
Non-profit program benefits
Once accredited, the organization will have access to a specific Personal Area on Bancomail's websites and will be able to use all the features of the dedicated program.
Some of the possible benefits:
- Special discounts for the purchase of Bancomail databases and related products and services
- Dedicated public profile on the website
- Access to Bancomail Supporter System with the possibility to receive percentage donations on the value of the purchases made by the Supporters
- The registration of your organization in the periodically newsletter sent to Bancomail's database included recipients
Use of Bancomail data and non-transfer clause
Bancomail databases shall be used by the organization only to promote the organization and/or its activities. The transfer of Bancomail databases to third parties, either free of charge or against payment, is expressly prohibited.
Accreditation withdrawal
The Organization's accreditation can be withdrawn at any time without explanation, by sending an email to the Personal Area administration.