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There is no contradiction here; we will offer you something just as useful: SIC, NACE or other business codes can be matched with our classification through an internal tool and a skilled sales rep will come up with a profiling plan that suits your needs.
The SIC, NACE, or other Business Classification is not the only selection criteria available. You can select companies by several other factors as well, such as geographical location, company size, and business sector.
We split 26 industry sectors into 292 macro-categories which we further classified into 1,879 micro-categories. To help our customers' marketing efforts, each company is further classified by precise industry descriptors that our sales department can use to generate customised quotes.
By using our tool, we can match SIC, NACE, or other codes with our classifications: you can quickly identify your target companies and retrieve accurate information. You will get a tailored database with integrated your preferred business codes, so you can easily filter and analyze relevant data.
The choice of target group is one of the most crucial elements of a successful marketing campaign. The best way to reach your target audience is by understanding their needs, preferences, and behavior. However, a narrow target selection perfectly matching the acknowledged profile of your typical customer could result in missed opportunities.
When it comes to marketing campaigns, broadening the target audience can be a great way to expand the customer base or reach new markets. Your typical customer's attributes are a good starting point for identifying target markets that are compatible with your niche.
You will be able to identify new segments of companies that share the same interests, needs, and purchasing behaviour as your typical customers, but are located outside the known narrow target audience. Facing highly competitive or growing markets, this target broadening strategy can prove particularly effective when seeking out new opportunities becomes increasingly important for staying competitive and meeting users' evolving needs.
Specialists in business data collection and treatment for over 20 years delivering high-quality and accuracy.
Multiple search criteria: category, geographic location, legal status, turnover, number of employees, etc.
Our data are collected, processed and managed in compliance with national and EU privacy legislations.
The database is constantly updated and covered by written warranties on data refund in case of bounces.
Our equity crowdfunding campaign is about to launch.