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Permission marketing:
That's what makes Cold Email Marketing work

Disclaimer: here we don't talk about personal, but about Business data!

Email marketing is one of the most powerful and effective weapons in the arsenal of small and medium-sized businesses. It allows you to send quickly, efficiently, easily and cost effectively, commercial offers to companies. But what makes it work, when the contact is "cold"? At Bancomail, we recommend using our Database contacts for Permission Marketing campaigns.

1. What does permission marketing means?

Permission Marketing is a definition coined by Seth Godin in 1999 which defines an alternative marketing method that leads to quality relationships with customers and prospects. Being different from traditional marketing that is based on the interruption principle (statistic says that users receive about 400 advert per day), the Permission Marketing is aimed to build a relationship between the company and the customer, based on a polite request for consent to send further information.)

Permission Marketing it's made with users, in order to offer information on products or services that are in any way expected and in any case relevant as they are connected to the recipients.

This concept is the basis of the national regulations (although - in the B2B sector - some countries like the US or the UK have more liberalized direct marketing) and is still the basis of the new paradigm that follows the European Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR. Particularly, it's outlined by recital 47 of the GDPR which introduced the concept of "legitimate interest" of the holder as a legal basis on which to assess the lawfulness of processing operations of personal data adding that "it may be considered legitimate interest to process personal data for direct marketing purposes".

In practice, sending emails to cold contacts involves a preliminary analysis aimed to establish the possible benefit of each recipient from the received commercial offer. In other words, the purpose of your email or its included offers must be clearly connected to the potential customer's activity.

The reasons why such a street is the master, are not just legal. Additionally to the fact that a permission marketing strategy leads to the construction of a lasting connection with the brand, this allows higher conversion rates thanks to a higher engagement power.

That's why the quality of prospects and profiling capacity are very important in creating an Email Marketing campaign. Only an accurate target, made up of segmented contacts, will allow you to deliver an offer that is clearly connected to the specific needs of your prospects.

So you can send a personalized campaign and your contacts will easily understand its message. This is possible only if, besides taking care of a good copy for your message, you will devote as much attention to targeting.

When you purchase one of our databases, we contractually guarantee the lawfulness of processing and transfer:

The data provided by Bancomail are sourced, processed and managed in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, EU Regulation 2016/679) and with national laws.

More details

We periodically send a notification on the update of the data processing in order to ensure an updated database and in accordance with the principles of the law.

The data managed and transferred by Bancomail regards information published and/or provided by the companies for informational or promotional purposes which are intentionally institutional.

2. Informing recipients and communicating

The GDPR, as well as national laws, indicate the obligation to inform the recipients about the data processing which occurs with the sending of the communication. The solution is simple and provide the inclusion of an information in the footer of the message that contains:


A statement that informs the data processing in progress.


A brief explanation of why you are doing it.


Instructions to request the data you possess, to request the removal from the list (unsubscribe) and in general to access your rights (access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, opposition to processing, portability).

The sending of the information regarding the processing of personal data (GDPR for Europe and / or National Laws), while remaining in full compliance with the law, allows companies wide margins on the choice of content and creativity. The request for the consent of sending promotional material is when:

You can


Describe your company and the reason for your interest.

Introduce the product or service you're going to propose into possible further communications

If you want, already from the subject you can send the mail to a manager or a particular department.

Characterize the message with your corporate image

Allow more insights through a link to your website or product/service

Include all the ways in which you can be contacted

Enter all your company's identification data (address, telephone, fax, e-mail, website) that must be precise, up-to-date and active.

Always enter a link for unsubscription. The process must be easy, free and fast.

Do not share the recipient's information with third parties. Otherwise ask the users consent.

Define the period within which the data treatment will become effective: no limit is officially established, but we recommend to contain it within a reasonable time if there is no interest in the communication subject.

Other using tips:


Is not allowed to send communications from anonymous or hidden email address.


Check if the size of your message not overload the recipient's mailbox.


Always enter the subject of your communication clearly indicating its purpose.


Do not insert attachments. If you need to provide a file to your reader, enter a link to easily access the resource.


Keep the nature of your message purely informative, limiting commercial emphasis: the result will be a coherent information, without commercial persuasion


The disclosure regarding the data processing must be communicated to the recipient by telephone, e-mail or fax


Remember that the telephone contacts entered in the Bancomail databases are not checked, as the duration of their verification is limited in time and should therefore be performed if necessary. For telemarketing operations it's therefore necessary to contact a qualified operator in the Register of Oppositions in your contacts country (at this link you'll find the operators list for Italy) to check how many of them have previously opposed to the treatment of the telephone reference. For more information contact us.

3. Example of data treatment policy

Here is an example of an informative - written, as foreseen by the GDPR, in a common, non-legal language:

Company SrL - data controller – is processing your data for sending this communication. We contact you because, by analyzing your business, we thought that you could benefit from what we presented in this email. To send you this message, we both had an agreement with the Reference legislation, only simple and "public" data, like: company name, address, telephone number *, fax *, e-mail address.

The data were collected from lists of Chamber of Commerce and / or other public directories or for direct approval, advertising material, market surveys and databases acquired from authorized providers.

Reply to this email if you want to change the data we used to contact you or unsubscribe from the list. The complete disclosure is available here.

According to the law you must also have a complete disclosure where:


Identify and communicate all the contact details of the Data Controller (or Controller) or your company


Outline the basics of lawfulness of the treatment. If you work in Europe, take a look at the paragraph “Data Acquisition " of our Policy.


Define the processed data, the processing methods and data storage, including the storage period and the attestation of having adopted technical, procedural and organizational measures aimed to respect their confidentiality.


Exercise of rights of the interested parties (access, cancellation, limitation, opposition, portability)

4. On GDPR

Despite the initial epidermal concerns, the GDPR is anything but a regulation designed to kill Cold Email Marketing. On the other way, it's a highly anticipated document that regulates the data protection (in the personal field) to allow users full control over their data.

Therefore, the purpose of the GDPR is not to destroy the European business, but to protect sensitive data regarding natural persons. A reason that reconsiders generic emails (like most of those provided by Bancomail, for example [email protected]) as a strategically efficient choice under at least two points of view: the exclusion from the GDPR protection and the conversion rates unlike from those resulting from actions on "direct" emails.

For more details on Bancomail's GDPR compatibility and the types of Email contained in our Database, read the dedicated page in the Support section.

Particularly, in the B2B sector, the GDPR doesn't forbid the sending of cold emails, but standardizes the ways in which a marketer can contact a subject, without prior consent. As described in this page, the submitted offer must be logically connected to the commercial compatibility.

Therefore, use the search methods on this site, based on both categories that on one network of tags and synonyms, to find an accurate target for your campaign. We are also available through chat and telephone (+39 010-8446402 | +39 010-8446402) to offer you support in identifying the best categorical match.

Once you have the database of your potential Leads, customize your message by sending an offer where there is a balanced benefit for both parties.


We invite our customers to also respect the data protection legislation of the recipients country of origin, about the management, archiving and data treatment modalities; all the information are available on the Privacy Guarantor website's and national websites.

The lists that can be purchased on BANCOMAIL regard only companies, associations and freelancers in Italy and abroad who have freely indicated their contacts and addresses, providing them to Bancomail, publishing them or authorizing their publication. Periodically BANCOMAIL informs them about the data processing methods, their purpose, guarantees and legal removal procedures, as required by applicable legislation.

For more information, visit the Policy on the acquisition and data processing present in Bancomail's Database and the GDPR Compliance page.

Ready to get all the benefits? Create your database now!

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Bancomail S.p.A.®

Operational headquarters in Piazza della Vittoria 12/32 16121, Genova Italy
Chat with our Sales Staff | Telephone: +39 010-8446402
VAT number: 02727350999 - REA: GE 506965 - Corporate capital: euro 295.000,00 i.v.
Legal Head Office in Piazza della Vittoria 12/32 16121, Genova Italy

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© Copyright 2025 Bancomail®

Policy on the processing of Bancomail customers and users data

Holder of data processing

Bancomail S.p.A. (P.IVA: 02727350999 - REA: GE 506965), with Legal Head Office located in Piazza della Vittoria 12/32 and operational headquarters in Piazza della Vittoria 12/32

Telephone: +39 010-8446402

Email: [email protected]

Pec:[email protected]

Collected information

We collect information provided voluntarily from the moment you create your account, when you purchase products or services eg. company name, contact reference, address, email address and telephone number.

We also record information when you contact us by phone or chat, including requests for assistance or a quote and notes or details explaining what you have requested and how we have responded.

The failure of data provision will make it impossible for Bancomail to implement the contractual commitments or the user's request.

We also use cookies and similar technologies on our websites and mobile applications to collect information on interactions and usage. Consult the Cookie Policy for further details on the specific type of information we can collect and on your options regarding such data.

How do we use the collected information?

The data provided by the user are collected and processed for the following purposes

  • - For carrying out customer relationship activities based on the contractual agreements.

  • - For administrative purposes and for the fulfillment of legal obligations such as accounting or tax disclosures or to comply with requests from the judicial authority

  • - For statistical purposes, to improve our offer and service toward our customers and to identify and prevent fraud and abuse.

  • - In the presence of specific consent, for sending periodically by e-mail, newsletters and advertising material.

  • - In the case of sending a curriculum vitae, exclusively for selection purposes.

  • - Additionally, we use your information to create your account where we offer our services and give you visibility of the data we own, together with the methods of exercising your rights.

Which subjects are authorized to process your data? Are your data shared with third parties?

The processing of the collected data is carried out by Bancomail internal staff authorized to process it according to specific instructions given in compliance with current legislation.

Your data will never be transferred to third parties, nor entered in the Bancomail Database, unless they were spontaneously conferred on this website in the Be Part form (Support section) or acquired through other authorized sources, in any case prior communication.

However, it's possible that some of your data may be shared by us with trusted providers, needed to send on our behalf email communications and advertisements. We only share the minimum necessary information and it's not allowed to third parties to use your information for other purpose than those indicated in our Privacy Policy. In any case, the data will never be widespread.

How the data are stored and for how long?

The data are processed using computerized or automated tools, with logics strictly related to the aforesaid purposes for which the personal data were collected in order to guarantee their security, integrity, confidentiality and traceability.

The management and storage of personal data operate on servers located inside and outside the European Union owned and / or available to Bancomail and / or delegated third-party companies, duly appointed as data controllers. The transfer of data abroad to non-EU countries takes place in accordance with the GDPR provisions.

The data are stored for the necessary time to manage the purposes for which they are collected, in compliance with current regulations and legal obligations.

Exercise of rights on data processing

At any time (if there aren't law limitations) you can request the access to data, cancellation, modification or update of all the information collected by Bancomail, exercising the right to limit the processing and data portability, by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected].

Supply agreement


The company Bancomail S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as Bancomail), incorporated under the laws of Italy, headquartered in Genoa, Piazza della Vittoria 12/32 and legal head office in Genoa, Piazza della Vittoria 12/32, registered with the Company Register of Genoa under no. 506965, Tax code and VAT ID no. 02727350999
- on the one part


The enterprise, company, legal person as indicated in the data entered in the order from (hereinafter referred to as Customer)
- on the other part

Article 1 - Preamble

For the purposes of this agreement, the Customer hereby declares to be aware that:

a) bancomail.it, bancomail.com websites and Bancomail brand are entirely property of Bancomail S.p.A.

b) for the purposes of this Agreement, any document, data, product, transaction -also via Internet - using Bancomail's name, trademark, logo or other similar material, are to be considered of exclusive relevance and liability of Bancomail S.p.A., for which they constitute a valid equivalence in all respects without limitations or exclusions, except in the event of unlawful use by unauthorized third parties.

Article 2 - Purpose

The main purpose of this agreement is the trading (both on and off line) of company directories (hereinafter referred to as "Data"). Secondarily, the agreement regards software products and/or consulting services connected or related to the main purpose (hereinafter referred to as "Products"). As for that which is not specifically provided for in the following clauses, the provisions set forth in the Code of Civil Procedure concerning sale and purchase agreements (Articles 1470 and following of the Code of Civil Procedure) shall apply.

Article 3 - The Customer qualification

The Customer hereby declares that he/she is entering into this sale and purchase agreement for purposes exclusively connected to his/her activity as en entrepreneur or professional.

Article 4 - Payment terms and conditions

The price for the purchase of Data shall be paid as follows:

a) in case of on-line sale, in a single solution when the contract is completed by bank transfer, credit card through BancaSella or PayPal secure circuits, credits previously purchased (see Article 5).

b) in case of off-line sale, otherwise, with an advanced bank transfer.

C) in case of different agreement, if validated by Bancomail Management by written notification, with deferred methods that may vary according to the order features.

Article 5 - Purchase and use of Registry Credits

The customer is given the opportunity to purchase, in the form of " Registry Credits" (hereinafter "Credits"), lots of Registry data at a pre-established price, in order to benefit from the economic advantage resulting from the size of the package and the related CPR (Cost per Record). Such Credits cannot be converted into economic compensation.

Credits are not due to expire and can be used to place online orders by subtracting the customer's desired amount from the resulting total volume.

Article 6 - Warranty

Bancomail guarantees:

a) the functionality of the email addresses related to the data under this contract. The warranty is valid for 60 (sixty) days of the receipt of the database and conditioned by the compliance of the terms on page: https://www.bancomail.com/en-us/email-database/warranties-terms

b) the lawfulness of the collection and subsequent processing of data in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, EU Regulation 2016/679) and with current national laws

c) any liability or warranty other than those provided for above is excluded, without prejudice to the limits referred to in Art. 1229 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

Article 7 - Delivery times

Delivery time can change due to the checks that Bancomail carries on after the purchase. Those checks are performed to ensure the validity of the Data provided to the Customer. Bancomail shall not be held accountable for any delay directly or indirectly caused by such checks; nevertheless any such delay is a binding part of this agreement. By signing this agreement, the Customer hereby gives its consent.

Article 8 - After-sale service

Should the Customer need to ask for a copy of the goods purchased, said copy shall be provided by Bancomail free of charge, provided that it is possible to do so in compliance with the provisions, otherwise an additional cost shall be established at the time of the request. The customer has the duty to keep Data and Products safe along with a safety backup.

Article 9 - Use of data. Liability

The use of the Data and/or Products of this agreement is limited only to the activities permitted by the current legislation, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, EU Regulation 2016/679) and current national laws.

Should the Data be used for unlawful activities or in a way that is not compliant with the regulation, Bancomail reserves the right to take actions against the Customer and holds itself harmless from any liability towards third parties.

Article 10 - Payments delay

If, for any reason, the payment is not made within the established period (see Art. 4), Bancomail shall be entitled to late payment interests at the rate set in art. 5, D.lg. 9/10/2002, n. 231.

Article 11 - Obligation to hold harmless

The Customer undertakes to refund, indemnify and/or hold harmless Bancomail, as well as its employees, collaborators, and legal representatives in any capacity, in the event of claims and/or legal actions taken against Bancomail before any court due to an unlawful use of the Data or otherwise not complying with company's Policies*.

Article 12 - Processing of personal data - Law no. 196/03

To the extent necessary, since under the current legislation the definition of “personal data” relates exclusively to natural persons, the Customer agrees that Bancomail S.p.A. will provide for the data processing in accordance with current legislation and, as referred on the Privacy disclosure pursuant to Art 13 the of the Italian Privacy Code, with no need to acquire the Customers' express consent (in accordance with Art. 13 the Italian Privacy Code) because, inter alia, the treatment of such data is necessary to implement a contract, which Customer is a part of, exclusively to carry out the listed services, including fiscal and tax obligations and service communications. The data provision is mandatory to allow the fulfillment of the legal obligations. Bancomail authorizes the same treatment of its data by the Customer.

Article 13 - Claims

Withdrawal right of does not apply to B2B transactions for Professional Customers. In any case, given the characteristics of reproducibility and, in particular, the transfer of Data, the action of Database Downloading is tracked and confirms the Customer's willingness to purchase, preventing any "afterthoughts". For any defects, the following instructions and the Guarantees described in Article 5 (Guarantees) are guaranteed.

Upon receiving the Products and/or Data, the Customer shall immediately verify the conditions and conformity thereof. Any errors shall be reported to Bancomail within and not later than seven days of detecting them. The Customer shall agree any checks on complaints. To be more precise, Data must be provided in the same format used to deliver them and possibly reported on the same document the customer received from Bancomail.

Article 14 - Transferability

Bancomail can transfer to third parties all or part of the rights and obligations undertaken pursuant to this supply agreement. Bancomail reserves the right to verify the methods of transfer of the products and/or services to third parties and can stop it if necessary.

Article 15 - Applicable law. Competent court

This agreement is regulated by the laws of Italy. The Court of Genoa shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in connection with the interpretation, implementation or resolution of this agreement.

Article 16 - Miscellaneous provisions

These provisions replace any previous agreement concerning the supply of data, products and services specified in the Purpose (see Art. 2 above) by Bancomail. Any change and/or integration to these provisions shall be registered in a written agreement signed by both parties.
* can be viewed at the web page: https://www.bancomail.com/en-us/email-marketing/permission-marketing-rules
