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We prepare our offer specifically for your email marketing, by selecting databases that can meet different needs and objectives, but always with the same high quality standard.
Our directories are verified by a qualified staff, familiar with the territorial and linguistic nuances that affect the structure of the data. A team of 7 national and 5 global operators, one per continent, augments and updates the database using sophisticated data processing tools. Keeping our database consistent with market developments is an daunting task, but failing in data consistency is certainly more dangerous and costly: our goal is to get your campaign to the right prospect and we are so confident in our data that we guarantee it 100%.
The Bancomail database collects complying with the legislation in force only Italian or foreign companies or professionals who have freely indicated their contact details (electronic or not) by providing them directly or by publishing them in high quality sources (public and authorized third party lists). All companies within our database are informed preliminarily and then periodically on the methods, times and purposes of the treatment.
GDPR Compliance and Privacy Regulatory Proprietary sources First quality sources
Daily the database is checked and updated by a dedicated department. All data relating to the various fields (e-mail, address, telephone, fax, zip, etc.) goes through 21 different processes of reflation, normalization and standardization in order to guarantee unique, updated and consistent data.
Deduplication DNS Test Validation Email validation Check email spamtrap & amp; honeypot, inconsistency
Each company in the Database is complete of all the geolocation data aligned and formatted according to the ISO 3166 (Country Code and Name), ISO 3166-2: CC (Administrative Division 1 & 2) standards and according to proprietary standards for the standardization of the Cities (over 15 millions of georeferenced records), zipcode and address. The ITU standard is used for telephone number normalization.
Country code & amp normalization; country name Administrative normalization divisions 1 & amp; 2 Geolocation Address normalization & amp; zip code Phone number normalization & amp; fax
Each company registered in the Database is converted into the following Bancomail classification: 26 sectors include 292 macro-categories, which in turn are subdivided into 1,879 micro-categories. Each company is then labeled with specifications for internal use that allow Bancomail's commercial consultants to provide the most relevant types of activities for the marketing of our customers.
26 sectors 292 macro-categories 1,879 micro-categories Over 350 additional information
Each record is distinguished by a business classification that also includes the turnover volume, the social form, the number of employees and other typical features (for example, the stars for hotels). VAT numbers are standardized according to national and local registers (EU VAT numbers, USA EIN TIN, India Bin, etc.) and the main social profiles of companies are available on request.
Economic Data Integration Social Integration VAT number normalization
The data provided by Bancomail are sourced, processed and managed in full compliance with national laws and data protection (GDPR). The rights of the data subject to update, correction and cancellation are strictly respected and a feedback is given very quickly - as required by current regulations. After the first disclosure, we also periodically send a notification on the processing and updating of the data in order to guarantee an updated database in compliance with the principles of Data Protection.
Data sourced according to regulations Verifiable and manageable data by all the interested parties Blacklist management GDPR Ready
Any non-functional addresses will be refunded with a cancellation or coupon. No record or recorded voice: our real-life operator is always at your disposal to provide you with free assistance, from pre-sale to post-sale, for any need: from the import to the management of the database.
Guaranteed refund for any invalid address Pre and post sale assistance Compatible delivery platforms
Every operation on the Database is traced: from the acquisition of the data (source and date of treatment) to each following update, including possible cancellations. We also register every buyer for every single record: in this way we can specifically manage any disputes and we are able to offer supplementary register data - without the risk of duplicates - to customers who want to update their database.
Source and acquisition date Each modification can be tracked Each purchase can be tracked
and not everything that has an @ is an email
With more than 11,000,000 companies worldwide, we invest a lot of time and resources to assure the quality of our database. Every day, 365 days a year, we carry out all the actions needed for its maintenance and functionality: storage and opt-in, profiling, updates, normalization, interviews, Privacy, opt-out removals, etc.
Finding emails on the web is easy, everybody can do it, but illegally purchased lists or compiled with poor knowledge can significantly compromise a company's reputation. That's why we carefully analyze all emails inserted into our database: to prevent Spam Trap, HoneyPot and other malware that may compromise your deliverability. In addition, we provide you only addresses that are processed in compliance with the privacy policy, this way you can focus only on your message.
Our equity crowdfunding campaign is about to launch.